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Two eyed 5×7 inch pinhole
26 June 2019 Bez kategorii oZMv9hiEbdOQJZugP

Within last couple of months i made couple of multipinhole cameras. Below- some samples made with 5×7 inch camera with two pinholes. Camera has removable internal septum, which allow to make two separate 3,5x 5 inch images. Or one consist of two overlapping pictures. This one version is more interesting, because camera has two separate

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6×6 pinhole Dublin
5 August 2018 Bez kategorii oZMv9hiEbdOQJZugP

Wycieczka w styczniu do Dublina ma swoje dobre i złe strony. Pogoda jest zmienna i można trafić na irlandzkie deszcze,ale na ogół jest cieplej niż w tym samym momencie w Polsce. Ranek następnego dnia po przylocie aż kusił, żeby wyjść z domu- zero chmur, pełne słońce i lekki wiatr. Po wyjściu okazało się, że wiatr

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2 August 2018 Bez kategorii oZMv9hiEbdOQJZugP

I don’t remember when i was there before. I’m sure that more than 20 years ago. This time we  came only for three days and i really regret than not for longer> i took with me two cameras- pinhole and zone plate and only four films. After several indoor shots on second day i realized

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couple words about Vermeer pinhole cameras
29 November 2015 Bez kategorii oZMv9hiEbdOQJZugP

My goal is to build simply and sturdy pinhole cameras. I don’t like cubic, square shapes and plastic elements.  I use natural materials like wood, veneer,plywood and brass. Vermeer’s camera bodies are made from european sycamore wood (Acer pseudoplatanus).  I offer mostly medium format cameras, but i make also large format and 35mm pinholes. Check

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24 November 2015 Bez kategorii oZMv9hiEbdOQJZugP

Welcome to my new website. Here you can find information about Vermeer Pinhole cameras, designed and made by me. Soon i will upload more pinhole picture samples  and description of the cameras

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