custom made

custom made

Within last ten years i made many different wooden pinhole and lens cameras . Except regular models i made also dozens of customized ones. Below i’d like to show some of them

Brooklyn, picture taken with 5×7 inch camera with two shutters

Brooklyn Bridge, picture taken with 5×7 inch camera with two shutters

Shot taken with 5×7 inch camera with two shutters
Pictures taken by John Brekke

8×10 inch pinhole camera with 5 shutters.

8×10 inch pinhole camera with 5 independent shutters
I couldn’t resist to upload that picture of the camera with Brooklyn bridge in background.
And sample shot. Lower Manhattan-Federal Hall at Wall and Broad Sts., United States Court House on Centre St. Picture by John Brekke

Cameras with lens

6x17cm flat plane camera body (with Schneider Lens)

6x17 camera front view

6×17 cm camera with focussing helicoid. It work with Schneider Super Angulon 8/90mm lens or Fujinon Sw 8/90 large format lenses.

6x17cm camera front view
6x17cm camera – fixed focus version with focus set at infinity
6x12cm panoramic camera with Mamiya Sekor 90mm lens (with focussing option)